2 to the 9th Tensors

We now study the case of tensors with d=9 and M=2. At worst, the maximum rank is 2^8=256. By unfolding such a tensor to a 2^4\times 2^5 matrix, one can see that rank 2^4=16 is definitely achievable.

Visualizations over the Real numbers

A Specific Example

We are interested in analyzing the tensor

L_9= \sum_{j=1}^d
\otimes [0,1] \otimes

which has nominal rank 9. Consider the tensor-valued function

G(t) =\bigotimes_{k=1}^{d}[1,t]

and notice that the derivative of G(t) at 0 is L_9, i.e. G'(0)=L_9. Since

G'(0) &=\lim_{h\rightarrow \infty} \frac{G(h)-G(0)}{h}\\

we see that L_9 is a limit of rank 2 tensors. (To avoid loss-of-precision errors due to cancellation, larger rank is needed; see [BEY-MOH2005].)

To visualize L_9, we choose

\otimes [0,1]  \otimes
\otimes [0,1]  \otimes
\otimes [0,1]  \otimes

so that L_9 will be in the center of these three tensors. Since these three tensors are in S_3, any tensor on the line connecting any two of them is in S_6, and a tensor in the plane is generically in S_9.

We first produce a visualization of S_2 on [-1,2]\times[-1,2], and obtain


[data file 2to9pr2L9.dat] Black points are scattered sparsely on the visualization, but without apparent voids. It appears that the ALS routine had some difficulty (with its fixed number of iterations). There is a light horizontal streak along the line connecting T_1 to T_3 of unknown cause, probably a numerical artifact.

Next, we produce a visualization of S_3, and obtain


[data file 2to9pr3L9.dat]

Next, we produce a visualization of S_6, which includes the lines connecting any two of our base tensors, and obtain


[data file 2to9pr6L9.dat]

A Random Example

To complement the specific example above, we choose T_1, T_2, and T_3 randomly in S_3. Since these three tensors are in S_3, any tensor on the line connecting any two of them is in S_6, and a tensor in the plane is generically in S_9.

We first produce a visualization of S_3 on [-1,2]\times[-1,2], and obtain


[data file 2to9pr3random.dat] Next, using the same set of random T_1, T_2, and T_3, we produce a visualization of S_6, and obtain


[data file 2to9pr6random.dat] Since in neither case do we find any unexpected black points, we conclude that the specific example above is not typical.

A Second Random Example

To complement the specific example above, we choose T_1, T_2, and T_3 randomly in S_{16}. Since these three tensors are in S_{16}, any tensor on the line connecting any two of them is in S_{32}, and a tensor in the plane is generically in S_{48}.

We first produce a visualization of S_{16} on [-1,2]\times[-1,2], and obtain


[data file 2to9pr16random2.dat] Next, using the same set of random T_1, T_2, and T_3, we produce a visualization of S_{32}, and obtain


[data file 2to9pr32random2.dat]

Next, using the same set of random T_1, T_2, and T_3, we produce a visualization of S_{40}, and obtain


[data file 2to9pr40random2.dat]

Finally, we produce a visualization of S_{48}, which should be black, and obtain


[data file 2to9pr48random2.dat] Although we do not obtain black, we do obtain dark blue, indicating that the fitting is working fairly well.

The first time we ran the tests for this example, we used the ALS algorithm at fixed rank rather than growing the rank (see ALS Performance Notes). That algorithm performed much worse, as illustrated in the Section A note on ALS failure.

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3 by 3 by 4 Tensors

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A note on ALS failure

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